Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Time to Relax

Hey Everyone,

So, I heard back from Upstart Crow Literary last week, and unfortunately she didn't want to see any more of my book. I was half expecting this, since the rest of the book isn't in nearly as good of shape as the first two chapters. (I told you I jumped the gun.) But I must say, I actually feel relieved. The last six weeks have been excessively stressful trying to get my book in the best shape possible in case she requested it. Now I can take a nice break for the holidays before going back and really polishing it up.

I've actually been really surprised at how undiscouraged I've gotten from the five or so rejections I've already received. I think the reason why, is because the manuscript isn't as good as I know it can be anyway, and so I haven't been expecting much. It's good practice though. I'm sure I'll get a few more "no's" before I find the right fit. But, after four years of working on this project, it's nice to have the extra time to do it right. The whole time I was waiting for the response, I was kicking myself for sending it out before it was ready. I knew when I started on this story that I needed to take the right amount of time to really do it justice, and I'm happy to say that I didn't blow it completely. Now I've got time to polish, and outline the rest of the series. That'll be a nice selling point when I am good and ready.

Anyway, thanks all for your support, and thanks to those of you who've read it and been so supportive! You make such a huge difference!


The1stdaughter said...

I think that you have a great attitude about this! There are so many people who get discouraged right away when there isn't a need for it. You need to take the time to find the right people to represent your work. And you also need to feel good about it. I'm excited to see where it goes and how things go after the holidays!

By the way...I'm loving it so far! I'll get you some feedback very soon!

The Andimator said...

I'm also impressed by your attitude--I've NEVER been good with rejections (but I'm getting better)! But it is nice to know ahead of time that you know you can improve. Keep with it, and make it the best book possible!

Anonymous said...

Bummer! Oh well, they just weren't the company for you. I know you will find the right one in no time, because you have something really special here! I am slowly, but surely reading your book (you know, school, Reagan, photography, church stuff) and I have to say, this is the best version so far, I am really enjoying reading it! (not that I didn't enjoy reading the others, its just the way you have revised this version, the writing seems for clean and cohesive) You have a great talent Han, I know your big authoress moment is soon to come. I can feel it! Keep me posted on any news. I love you lady!