Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday at Tiffany's

Okay, first off let me clarify that this is not a review of the beloved Audrey Hepburn film Breakfast at Tiffany's this is for "Sundays" at Tiffany's. Read on and you'll see there is a HUGE difference.

I usually give good book reviews on here, because, thanks to recommendations from friends with excellent taste, I rarely read books I don't end up liking. However, last night, I finished one of the lamest books I've ever read. I'm not kidding. I was so disgusted with it that if it hadn't been so late when I finished, I would've chucked it against the wall. (Didn't want to disturb the neighbors.)

So. Here is a list of reasons why I didn't like the book.

1) The writing was pretty terrible.
2) I felt like it was an insult to my intellectual capacity as a human being, let alone as a woman. I mean, do women really LIKE that kind of crap?
3) There was a sex scene. I always hate it when they have to put sex scenes in books; it's such a cop-out, not to mention disgusting to read. The thing I hated so much about this one, however; is that it kinda crept up on me. The book was pretty decent (morally) up to that point and then, WHAM! I so hate that!
4) The storyline was very weak.
5) It wasn't just because I had high expectations on account of James Patterson co-writing it. It was really just that lame.
6) They didn't give you any explanation whatsoever as to why everything happened the way that it did. There were no rules, it just happened, and I think that's why I felt like the author thought I was stupid, like, "Oh, this book is going to be read by women mostly--housewives even, so we don't really need to explain anything, they'll just buy it." Um...not so, pal!

Anyway, done with my rant. Don't read this book, unless you like books where you pretty much have to turn off your brain completely to be able to stand them.
Sorry, this review is really mean, and I'm usually not easily riled, but when it's this bad and it has to do with books and me wasting an evening on complete and utter rubbish, I just have to say something about it. :}


The1stdaughter said...

Okay, you crack me up...and thanks for the tip, I won't be picking this one up any time soon!

The Lloyd Family said...

I do appreciate the warning. Next time I want to turn my brain off, I'll give it a go. Just kidding! :)

Erin said...

Completely agree...bought this for a long plane ride and I HATED IT...with passion...not just I didn't like it...I mean I really LOATHED it...but somehow kept thinking it might turn around, somehow, somewhere, something would happen and it would get better...thanks for articulating exactly my sentiments...NOT GOOD!!