Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Extraordinary News!!!!

I seriously just finished jumping up and down on my bed. So, ehem! Here is the news before I get ahead of myself. After I handed my manuscript over to my writing group this month, I was feeling especially antsy to be doing something with all the spare time I had during the times I would originally be writing. So, I started writing and sending out queries to agents I'd been eyeing for a while. Well, after a week or two, I'd received two rejections, and so I thought I'd better wait until I got feedback and could polish my manuscript up some more before I started sending more out. Well, I'd already sent out five, and after my meeting, I felt like I might have a bit more work to do on my manuscript than I originally thought, so I was planning on waiting until the end of this month to query more. That, alas, has ceased to be the plan, since only today I received an e-mail from Upstart Crow Literary and one of their darling agents named Danielle asking for the first 100 pages of my manuscript! I know, but just wait, it gets better! She said, and I quote...

"I just read your sample pages, and I was absolutely riveted. I'd love to get a look at more!"


Of course, this is only the beginning, and she could very well hate it by the time she's finished with the first thirty pages. But after three and a half years of work on this baby, I'm inclined to be optimistic.

I'd better get cracking if I want these pages out before the end of the week. I'll keep you posted.



Miller Family said...

Congratulations Hannah, that is AMAZING!! I can't wait to buy a copy when it is published!

The1stdaughter said...

Hannah this is absolutely fabulous! I knew you could do it and that it's going to be great. Besides, the agents name is Danielle, how could you go wrong? Can't wait to hear what happens!

Unknown said...

WOOOO HOOOO! Keep us all posted...and when you become a big time author, remember the little people!

Julia Mar said...


The Andimator said...

Awesome--good luck to you!

Heidi said...

WOW! That is awesome! I have no doubt she'll love it! Good luck!

The1stdaughter said...

Hey! I went to email you back and realized I don't have your email and I can't get to your personal blog. Will you email me with your email address? I'd love to talk with you! Mine is daniellems78 at gmail dot com