Monday, August 24, 2009

When is Enough...Enough?

So while my writing group has been reading my manuscript, I've been researching the agent/publishing market, and sometimes I feel excessively overwhelmed by it all. I feel so much like you have to have the most perfected piece of literature imaginable before offering it to an agent, and yet there seems to be a lot of crap that ends up getting published anyway. So, does any one have any feedback on when a manuscript is good enough to query an agent with? I think if I spend much more time on my novel, that I'll go insane and start destroying it by nit picking everything.


Kelsey said...

I was just wondering this very thing! You don't want to send it before it is ready, but it seems like there will always be something to make better.

Sarah talked about how she felt that her manuscript was "complete" at one point, that it had become what it was supposed to be. She said it wasn't perfect, but it felt like it had arrived somehow.

How is that for a vague answer? I would ask her! Having never completed a manuscript, I may not be the best one to ask.

And although this is long already, I thought this article gave some good advice.

Unknown said...

I don't have any answers. But good luck and keep us posted!