Thursday, April 30, 2009


Yesterday I went down to my home town and visited with an old friend of mine. She was actually my old Laurel advisor growing up, but she is also a published writer, and a fabulous person to boot. She was so very nice in allowing me to pick her brain about what it's like being an author. She gave great advice and I'm so glad I made the trip.

She told me about her latest victory in the writing world; the oh so dreaded feat of landing an agent. Well, she did it, and it's not just any agent, she's the same agent who represents Shannon Hale (Princess Academy, The Goose Girl, Austenland etc) and Jessica Day George, (Dragon Slippers, Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow, Princess of the Midnight Ball, etc.) which is an incredible first agent to have, by the way!!! This lady doesn't even accept unsolicited query letters! Maybe she'll end up putting in a good word for me and I'll get the opportunity to submit a requested query letter one of these days. :)

Anyway, I got the rundown of her next book, which sounds awesome! If you want to check out her website, she has some great LDS Fiction books already out, which I love (and I'm a pretty picky LDS fiction reader). Her site is I love her!

I've always had a hard time with the idea of "networking", because it always sounded a little like you were accepting a handout. However, I don't know very many people who, when they accomplish what they've set out to accomplish, don't want to help someone else out who is reaching for the same star. So, thanks a million, Julie! Hopefully one day I can pay the same favor forward.


Marie HMJ said...

fascinating. and by the way, I lOVE the pic of yourself you have posted. Studious, and beautiful.