Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So I've joined a writer's group called Imprint. We just organized it this last Thursday, and I have to say I'm extra excited about it. It really seems like it's going to be, not only very helpful, but tons of fun too. There are seven of us, all ladies. One of us has written a book for her brother's company that has been published, and another is working with an agent in New York right now. I'm almost to the point of submitting to an agent; another is in the research phase for a nonfiction book; two are poets, and another is taking the first steps in screen writing. So, we have a really good variety of genres as well as multiple levels in experience.

Anyway, we met on Thursday, and as you know from my previous blog, I was prep-ing the first twenty-five chapters of my manuscript to hand over to them all. Miraculously I made it, being only one chapter short, which I just finished today. My goal is to have the last seven chapters to them by September 25th, our next meeting.

I can't believe how quickly this summer has passed. I only had the first two chapters (of this draft) written back in mid-May, and now I'm at the tail end of the book, brave enough to hand it over to readers. It's funny to think that at the beginning of this whole process, (almost three years ago) I was so protective/embarrassed of what I was doing. I couldn't even talk to my husband about it without nearly bursting into tears, let alone anyone else. Now, it just seems like a part of me--"Yes, I, Hannah Clark, am writing a book--not just any book, but a book I intend to have published for the masses." It's so easy to say it now that it's within reach. I think this writing group is just what I need to get my manuscript in the right place to be able to send it off to agents by no later than Thanksgiving. The six other pairs of eyes will be invaluable, and wildly enough, they will be the first, fresh eyes to have read my story from start to finish. Boy, I can't wait to hear what they think. Having never heard a bit about it before, their fresh perspective will be awesome!
Anyway, I think I've rambled enough. I'm just so excited about this!


Unknown said...

Hi there Hannah -- you are as beautiful - like my 19-yr old daughter Hannah Clark - email address Please contact Hannah as she also is very good at writing - and is at 1st year Law school Auckland University New Zealand -

Angela said...

Wow Hannah! That is the amazing thing ever! Way to be proud about it and to work so hard on your dream!I hope one day I can read your book. That's so awesome. Actually when I was 14 I seriously was trying to write a book that just seemed to stick inside my head for the longest time. It's still sort of there, but I really don't have the writing skills or can't really devote the time now. Maybe one day I'll take it up again for just my own sake of having it on paper. But it's neat to see you taking your dreams and making them a reality! It's so inspiring. I really hope everything goes well with your book (since in more recent posts, it sounds like you have completed it!). Keep up the great work, and thanks for sharing your thoughts which have led up to this point. Great job!