Sunday, April 25, 2010

LDS Story Maker's Conference

So me and my dear friend Kristen Knight (check out her website The Fancy Deep down under my favorite sites)went to the LDS Story Maker's Conference this past weekend, and it was fabulous and successful. Not only did we learn some great tips on how to be better writers and get published, but we both pitched to Shadow Mountain Publishing (they are an imprint of Deseret Book) and we both got requests to see more. Fablehaven, 13th Reality, The Candy Shop Wars etc...

So, tomorrow I'll be sending them my first three chapters and the rest of the week will be spent frantically reviewing the rest of the manuscript to make sure it's polished and perfect should they ask for more. This is the part of the process that I hate. I tend to get obsessive. Ahhh well, I'm excited and so very grateful for the window of opportunity. Thank goodness I have such a great support system here at home. Seriously, choosing to marry my husband was the best decision I've ever made.

I'll keep you all posted on the turnout. Wish me luck! Prayers are greatly appreciated


Unknown said...

That's very exciting Hannah! Keep us posted on any happenings!

The1stdaughter said...

Congrats! So exciting! I can't wait to hear how things turn out!